1. Name of your company, a short paragraph describing what your company manufactures/sells and the target audience for the product.The name of my company is called Starfruit. My company sells a product called “fruit bursts” which is a chewy organic fruit snack with liquid filling in the middle, which bursts when the chewy part of the snack gets bitten into. The product contains vitamins that kids don’t usually obtain from chewy candy-like fruit snacks. The target audience for this product is anywhere in between toddlers and young children.
2. Review the processes that Jacob Cass went through in designing his logo and Logo Design Secrets (and any other links that you found especially helpful). What parts of these processes did you use in your work. Please explain and be specific.Knowing the rules and principles of logo design was very helpful in creating the logo. It talks about “describable, effective without color, memorable, and scalable” The logo has to describe what it is representing. Although sometimes, the logo isn’t what the product is, if it’s not affective of attracting the target audiences, there is no point. Effective without color truly shows if your logo is successful or not, because it shows that the target audiences remembers what your logo is, and what it represents. Which shows the popularity of your product. It brings me to my next point of having it be “memorable” really shows the popularity of it. For example, many people remember the McDonalds’s symbol, and the Nike’s symbol, because their products are popular. Your logo has to be scalable, because if people can’t understand what it is when it’s small or large, it shows how ineffective your logo is.
3. Overall, what three important concepts have you learned about logo design? Explain why they are important to your future work?The three important concepts that I have learned about logo design is that it has to be simple while attracting the target audiences. I also learned that attracting the audiences without color is a great part in designing a logo. Simplicity always seemed very important to all the designs we have created. It’s the same idea of getting out what we’re trying to say concisely. Attracting the target audiences without a colorful logo is very important, because it shows if your logo is affective or not. Also, if your logo has to be affective without color, I think it’s best that you use an unique universal symbol, or a picture.
4. Review the criteria and the process of designing a logo, please rate your final logo design, 1-4 (4 is the highest). Please explain why your work deserves the rating.I would give my logo about a 3.5 on a 4 scale, because I’ve used all the principles of creating a logo. I’ve brainstormed my ideas, got feedback, and edited my logos. I’ve also tried to fit it so that I can attract my target audiences, who are anyone in between toddlers and young children. The best part about what I did is that I didn’t focus on just the one idea I have started with. I took the feedback from the class, and made it so that the logo would be better. And I utilized my time in class by researching on products that toddlers and young adults might enjoy.