Thursday, March 26, 2009


Rectangular Tessellation
Triangular Tessellation

1. Which tessellation did you find more interesting to do? In what ways was it more interesting than the other? Please explain.
The rectangular tessellation was more difficult and it took more creativity to do. Even though it was harder to do, it was more interesting creativity wise. I also liked doing the triangle because we needed creativity to pick the spot of the picture that would make a unique tessellation. Over all, I think the triangular tessellation looks better as a finished product, just because it creates the unique shapes, and the colors go well together.

2. Look at your peers' work on the ning . Which two designs do you find the most successful? What qualities make them so successful?
The two designs I find is successful are Samantha’s triangular tessellation, and Adrian’s rectangular tessellation. Part of Samantha’s tessellation looks as if it’s glowing near the black color on her tessellation. The colors go well together, and it has a ‘crisp’ look to it. Adrian’s rectangular tessellation looks successful, because its colors are very bright and it’s eye catching. I like how bright it is, and the colors go well together.

3. Looking at the Grading Criteria for each design, how would you rate BOTH designs on a scale of 1-4, 4 being the highest? Please explain each grade.
I would rate it both 4, since Samantha’s design has cool shapes and colors. It’s unique, and eye catching. She made the dark part of the design eccentric next to a bright blue color. On Adrian’s design, her design was the most eye-catching out of the rectangular designs. It’s hard to incorporate many different colors without making it look awkward. I think the use of the rainbow colors were a great idea.

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